Woke up early this morning for the final leg of our European Holiday. After a quick breakfast of cornflakes, we finally threw away our plastic picnic bowls, spoons, plastic cups and all the other things that we had carried all around Europe "just in case" and set about making our final packing preparations. Our bags were already pretty much set, so there were only one or two tweaks to our luggage before we were in the car and heading towards Charles De Gaulle airport to drop the car off.

The drop off point for the peugeot was in Terminal 3 somewhere. We didn't have any idea where we were going, but we were given a set of GPS coordinates, so we plugged them into the GPS system and away we went. (We called our GPS "Leonie, because she had a woman's voice, was always telling us what to do, and was usually right!). Once again, the GPS took care of us, delivering us to within 10m of the drop off point.
After 9033km we said a sad goodbye to Leonie and the Peugeot. The GPS system was fantastic, we are not sure how we would have managed without it. The Peugeot was also great - comfortable, spacious and mechanically did not miss a beat. (not ready to trade in the Holden just yet though!). The drop off process was simple. We just signed some papers and that was it. No one even looked at the car!
We caught the shuttle bus to terminal 2A, checked our luggage in and passed the three hours until take off by walking about, browsing in the shops and having lunch. Finally our plane was ready for boarding, so we got aboard, found our seats, and settled down for the12 hr flight to Hong Kong.
wooohooooo.......sad that you have left Europe but great that you are almost home, with not a huge flight to come back to Australia. Cant wait until Saturday to see you all safely home, and we are so looking forward to spending time looking at all your photos and video. Even though you have shared alot on your blog, im sure there are plenty of more stories to tell. We will see you there at the airport Saturday. Love you all and God bless, have a safe trip home and an awesome time in Hong Kong. xxxxxxx Linda and the girls.
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