We made our way to the Schokoladen museum (chocolate museum). It was an ok museaum where we got to see chocolate being made and wrapped, but we only got one small wafer with it dipped into a little bit of chocolate for a sample. The shop at the end was the best thing. And of course we didnt leave empty handed!!! Sorry everyone, there wont be anything left when we get home.
Now on our way to our accommodation for the night in a castle!!! Yes thats right a real castle in a town called Bacharach on the Rhein. Castle Stahleck is its name. As we were driving our way around, the boys said how cool it would be to live in that castle on the hill. Little did they know that that was our home for the next few nights. We are staying in the round tower with beautiful views of the Rhein. The accommodation isnt great, its a youth hostel and our room has 5 bunk beds in it. At least we have our own toilet and bathroom.
Once we settled in, we walked down the hill to the town. Its such a beautiful town with lots of old German buildings. We found a place to eat. Josh and Marilyn had schnitzel, Paul had steak and Daniel had pomme frits (french fries). It was a lovely evening but a tiring walk back up the mountain to our very own castle (and a bunch a noisy kids running about-it's school holidays here still for 6 weeks).
I suppose its out of the question, but can you bring back some chocolate for us......but then again your intentions could be good, but the temptation too strong to resist.
Hey again, sick of my posts yet??
Wow that is one spectacular catherdral, definetly on my list next time i have the opportunity.
So boys, where you surprised when you found out you were staying in the castle? Ha hahahahah i knew about that one too, :P....
Hows your knee holding up after all those stairs Mazz??
Time to start brushing up on that German guys.
Well, I guess its time for some more detours and tasks for this leg of your journey, will email you the next lot......
Spaß haben und darauf achten,wir lieben dich.
Liebe Linda und Mädchen
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