Afterwards, we headed back to the Hotel for a short rest before heading out for Dinner. We ate at a pancake restaurant called "My Old Dutch", - The pancakes they served were absolutely huge and very delicious. Mazz and I shared one, while the boys shared another. As we stepped out of the restaurant, it started raining. This time it was coming down hard, torrential like. It wasn't long until the roads were underwater and the footpath flooded.
After heading back to our Hotel, we still had one more thing to do in London. Attend the Tower of London Ceremony of the Keys. This the oldest, continuous running military ceremony in the World. . This is when they lockup the Tower at night. It happens at 10:00pm every night, and has occured every night for the last 700 years. Attendance is free, but is by ticket only - We had to book our tickets three months in advance. "Halt, who goes there." - "The Keys" - "Whose Keys?" - "Queen Elizabeths Keys" - "Pass Queen Elizabeths Keys, All's Well". Overall the ceremony goes for about 15 minutes. A nice way to end our Time in London.
thats so cool you ended England like that
lol mazz, if i were there with you, we wouldnt be sitting there,shopping, shopping and more shopping.You can only see so many planes hey?????
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