Lazy Morning |
It's our last day in Leicester today so we took the opportunity to have a long sleep in and a lazy morning. When we finally did get our act together, our first priority was to make a phone call to Australia to wish cousin/niece Amber a happy birthday - Happy 13th Birthday Amber!
Squirrel! |
We then visited Braunstone to show the boys "Uncles" house. This is the house that Paul's mum grew up in, and where Uncle Doug and Uncle Bryan used to live. It was also our "Home" whenever we used to visit Leicester. Since we were in the area, we decided to visit Braunstone park. We had a short walk in the park and were fortunate to see a couple of squirrels.
Next stop was a visit to Paul's Godmother, Auntie Liz It was nice to see her again and to introduce her to Joshua and Daniel. Final stop for the day was another quick visit to Beryl and Uncle Les, for the boys to meet Julie's boys, James and Alexander.
Driving back to our hotel afterwards, Josh was a little teary, " . . . it's just that everyone has been so lovely and I don't know when we will see them again"
makes me quite nostalgic looking at that squirrel in Braunstone Park. Last time I was there we [Doug and I] took the dogs [Heidi and Holly] for a walk in the woods where they had fun with the squirrels. I feel for Josh, I know that feeling only too well. Always emails and skype and who knows you may go back another time, your dad did!! Love Nana S.
heard you skyped ambi. we went there tonight. keep the blog going guys. i do comment but sometimes it takes me a while to get to it. i dont know if you check back over the days or not. i love it and love the pics. xxxxx
Thankyou so much for phoning amber, she was so thrilled that you all sang happy birthday to her, even better when we all talked on skype. You guys needed lazy day, you have been way too busy. Let's hope you can get a bit of warmer weather on the mainland. Keep on blogging, still enjoying reading when I wake up. Love Lindiloo
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